

                                                               So, I heard that you're falling into that victim mindset again. I heard that you are sitting in your bed all day and feeling sorry for yourself like "oh my god life is too unfair for me" honey no one cares. Nobody is coming to save you. So in this blog I am going to tell you everything to snap out of that mindset. 1. REALISE THAT LIFE IS AN IMAGINATION. I am going to tell you something RN that is gonna change your Consciousness forever and it is gonna change the way you look at life. So be ready. I am gonna take an example of pen if possible take a pen in your hand thank you. Now this pen over here someone has to imagine this pen in their head, in order to put it into the Physical Realm. So this pen is an imagination of someone, to exist. You going to your school. Your school is an imagination of the school's founder. He imagined a place where kids can come and study IK this is a very old concept but your


Hey you all so today I am gonna be talking about manifestation. I can guess that you must have watched or have seen it already on social media or heard it through your parents. But I am 100% sure that today the stuff you're gonna read will change your perspective forever. Here's my fav piece of trivia: Whatever you have RN, you manifested it all. All of it. IK scary I was also scared at first but when I learned the law of manifestation, I got to know that there is nothing better then this in the whole universe and FYI it is highly based on quantum physics which I tried to learn but then I came across a video of a man sharing a quote of another man that "if you are thinking that you understood quantum physics then you understood nothing" IK I felt so stupid I just left it there only. IK bad L decision ever but trust me it was a complete mind fuck. So after this I thought no you cant just think about stuff in a specific way and get it, even a damn person I was sold, and


SELF TALK Hello you all I am Yasha S. I love to sing and draw pretty much sketching and also I love to write poetry and songs. If you are interested then you may go to  My tumblr. I am a student so I have to study, also which like takes 7 hours a day because I love learning now compared to my previous record.  WHAT I AM GONNA DO HERE? So I am pretty much into journal and stuff I also love to speak and there's no one to listen so this is a healthy platform for me to give my controversial opinions. WHY TF I AM EXPLAINING THIS? Because I am gonna blog here my life and things I've learned till today and will further I am just gonna share it instead of writing a whole ass 5000-6000 paragraph of ranting and yapping I am gonna do that here and dont worry not gonna disappoint you all I promise. So please promote it as much as you can.  BYE. (NOT REALLY.) More stuff is gonna come soon so stay tuned and keep learning and twerking (kidding) (ps. I love you all if you're reading till